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Stick and Stones (Week 3)

Hi Youths,

Most of us have gossiped before. It's really hard not to gossip especially when we have friends that like to gossip. But on Saturday we learned why it's important to not gossip. It's because if your friend is willing to gossip with you, then they’re probably willing to gossip about you too. So if we want to avoid hurting others and ourselves, we should do our best to not gossip. 

To guard ourselves against gossip, we should ask ourselves these questions to see if the story or news about someone is ours to share:

  • Question 1: Does this concern me?
    • Remember you are still gossiping, even if every single sentence is true. If it doesn’t involve you, then you shouldn’t share it.
  • Question 2: Have you spoken to (the person's name) about this?
    • Get permission from the person you are wanting to share about first.

This week, whenever you want to share or talk about what's happening in someone else's life, ask yourself 1) if it concerns you and 2) if you've spoken to that person about it first.