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Stick and Stones (Week 1)

Hi Youths,

The famous saying: sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me is not true. Words are powerful and can hurt for a lifetime. Through this series on the book of Proverbs on words, we hope it will help you discover the impact and power of your words so that you can use your words to heal, encourage and glorify God.

On Saturday we learned that words are a lot more powerful than we think because even God used words to create the world. Because words are so powerful, they can either be a weapon (hurt) or medicine (heal). Sadly, most people have heard words that have hurt. So, let us make sure our words don't bring hurt to others but bring healing. We can do that by asking ourselves this question about the words we will use before we speak: "does this hurt or heal?"

This week, try asking yourself  "does this (my words) hurt or heal?" before you speak. If you realize that your words will hurt, don't say those words and try thinking about what else you can say to ensure the words you say heal.