What is Oikos?

Oikos is a New Testament Greek word that means household or family. It is the name we give for our Small Group Ministry at Koinonia. Oikos provides a setting where brothers and sisters can build relationships with one another and with God.

An Oikos meets weekly from the beginning of September to the end of June. During the 10-month journey, group members are committed to grow, share, and pray for each other. It is a journey where precious relationships in Christ can be built. Many of these relationships will last a lifetime. 

English Oikos Gatherings:

  • High School Oikos (Grade 8 - 12): Every Saturday Evening at 7:30pm at Fraserview MB Church
  • Young Adults Oikos (College and up): Every Wednesday Evening  at 7:30pm at Koinonia Ministry Center


Oikos members are committed to attend Saturday services regularly and to join weekly group meetings. A minimum of 70% attendance is expected. Our Oikos groups follow a curriculum and requires weekly preparations.


Oikos members will sign a small group covenant during the first meeting in September.


Please pray for a readiness for transformation before you register to join. Ask God to help you invest one evening a week to nurture your spiritual life and build Christian friendships. When you are ready, follow the link to register for English Oikos. The staff team will follow up with you.

We understand that joining an Oikos is an important decision. Please do not hesitate to speak with a staff after the Saturday service.

English Oikos Registration (2024-2025)