- We commit to learn and to grow spiritually.
- We will follow the group’s curriculum and make preparations before attending group meetings. This includes reading the assigned materials, answering questions, and completing exercises.
- We commit to pray for each other regularly.
- We commit to be humble and respectful.
- We acknowledge that the Oikos time is not a platform for correction, arguments, inappropriate comments, hurtful statements, or anything that puts others down.
- We will support the group leaders in facilitating an authentic and fruitful discussion.
- We commit to keep our sharing within the group unless:
- permission has been given to share something outside of the group;
- circumstances require pastoral advice and/or intervention as deemed necessary by the group leaders or the pastoral team.
- We commit to attend at least 70% of all group meetings.
- We acknowledge that attendance is vital to the dynamics and relationships among the group; therefore, we will do our best to prioritize our small group over other commitments.
- If we are unable to attend a group meeting, or arrive on time, we will give advance notice to the group leaders with a responsible explanation.
- We commit to growing together spiritually by attending worship services (Saturday evenings from 6:00PM - 7:00PM).
- We will try our best to arrive on time to service and oikos.
- Each Oikos group will have their own designated communication platform.
- The group leaders will share discussion notes and updates through each group's designated communication platform.
- We commit to respect one another on these platforms.
- When we leave the group, the leaders will remove our contact from these platforms.