
John 21:1-19


We all have regrets. We often wonder, is it really possible to redeem the regrets?

How can we truly redeem all those regrets in life?


Rock Bottom and Beyond 
  • Matthew: Peter went out and wept bitterly. 
  • Mark: Peter broke down and wept.        
  • Luke: Peter went out and wept bitterly.
  • But John had a special coverage in John 21 
Back to the Starting Point 
  • Sea of Tiberias = Sea of Galilee
  • Fishing at Galilee. 
  • A night without any catch.
  • Then an unexpected and miraculous catch. 
  • It seemed like Jesus was bringing Peter back to his starting point.
A Different Charcoal Fire
  • At that charcoal fire in the courtyard, Peter had the biggest regret in his life. 
  • At another charcoal fire by the Sea of Tiberias, Jesus gave Peter a second chance - to bounce back from rock bottom.
  • "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" (21:15-17) 
  • Jesus’ repeated question was indeed an invitation for Peter:  to redeem his regrets and to reaffirm his love for Jesus.
  • At the first charcoal fire in Jerusalem, Peter’s faith journey was at rock bottom.
  • At this second charcoal fire in Galilee, there was a new beginning and a glimpse of hope.
The Same Calling 
  • Jesus called Peter to be a shepherd, to feed and tend His sheep (21:15-17)  
  • Jesus also invited Peter: “Follow me” (21:19) 
  • Three years ago, Jesus asked Peter: "Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men."
  • After all the ups and downs, Jesus’ message remains the same: "Come and Follow".
Good News for the Rock
  • Despite Peter’s limitations, Jesus still chose Peter.
  • Even after all these ups and downs, Jesus did not disqualify him. 
  • Peter's story from God's perspective 
    • Jesus knew Peter  
    • Jesus chose Peter 
    • Jesus came back and sought Peter 
    • Jesus still called Peter to follow Him
Beyond Regrets 
  • Let God redeem the regrets of your life 
  • If Jesus can restore Peter, He can also restore you.
  • No matter how you have failed him, He can give you a new beginning. 
  • As long as you won't give up, God’s grace is sufficient to redeem even your worst regrets. 

Bottom line 

  • God’s grace is sufficient to redeem even your worst regrets. 



O Praise The Name (Anástasis)
Words & music by Benjamin Hastings, Dean Ussher, Marty Sampson 
Amazing Grace (My chains are gone)
Verses by John Newton
EXT by Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio
I Surrender All
Words & Music by Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter & Winfield Scott Weeden
Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) 
Words and Music by Joel Houston and Jonas Myrin