Spiritual Landscape at Elijah’s Time

  • Israelites was surrounded by many pagan religions 
    • Asherah: goddess of fertility 
    • Baal - god of fertility and weather 
  • Instead of following God alone, Israelites comprised by worshiping other gods 
  • Jehovah became only one of the many religious choices among the Israelites 
  • Question: Has God been only of the many boxes on our priority list? 


God or Baal on Mount Carmel

  • Elijah challenged the people 
    • How long are you going to struggle with the two choices? 
    • If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.
  • Baal’s 450 prophets called on the name of Baal 
  • Elijah called on the name of the Lord
  • The God who answers by fire → He is God.
  • Round #1 (18:25-29) 
    • Baal’s 450 prophets tried 
    • Result → nothing happened 
  • Round #2 (18:30-38) 
    • Elijah repaired the altar of the Lord which had been torn down. 
    • Result → the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering
    • People reaction: 
      • they fell on their faces; and they said, 
      • The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God!
  • Spiritual Awakening 
    • God used Elijah to bring awakening among God’s people 
    • From in spiritual compromise → rebuilding the altar 
      • Let God’s people understand their priority 
      • Reject the false gods in life 
      • Reconnect to the true God 


  • Reflect - what has been taking over God in our life priorities?
  • God is revealing to us that He is the # 1 true God   
  • He is calling us to make Him our life priority, and to serve Christ joyfully in all aspects of life