
Jesus met many people during his time on earth. John 7 records the increasing opposition to Jesus as he revealed who he is and his relationship with the Father, including Jesus’s brother James.  

James grew up saturated by God’s words. He learnt the Torah and Jewish oral commandments when he was 5 years old. Worship was a part of his life, James went up to Jerusalem 3 times a year according to the Mosaic laws. Yet, he was not able to recognize Jesus was the promised Messiah. James even teased Jesus and suggested Jesus to go up to Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacle to show himself to the world (John 7:3-5).

We can postulate the possible reasons for James’s disbelief:

  • Disappointment due to unanswered prayers;
  • Church leaders or friends failed to meet his expectations; or
  • Simply bored with his religious life.

Jesus challenged James and other people to follow his commandments in order to know whether Jesus was the one sent from God (John 7:16-18). On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacle, Jesus commanded people to come to him and drink, which implies that he could satisfy humanity’s thirst and longing for God. Jesus was also implying that he could give the Holy Spirit, something only God can give. 

If your Christian life is lifeless and church becomes a habit, there is a possibility for change when you come to Jesus. He can take your disappointments, unmet desires, and give you the Holy Spirit which will revive your soul and empower you to follow him passionately and wholeheartedly. James missed his chance to follow Jesus during Jesus’s 3 year earthly ministry. But when the resurrected Jesus appeared to James, James was transformed. Jesus reignited James’s passion for God, and James served God wholeheartedly. Sources outside of the bible suggest that James even willingly die to testify for Jesus. 

How about you? 
What is it that stops you from following Jesus wholeheartedly? 
Are you willing to come to Jesus and let his Spirit transform you into a passionate follower of him?