
Exodus 19-20, 24

Why We Read ?

  • While Christians claim to believe the Bible is God's Word, Christians are NOT reading it.
  • Why do we really need to read God’s Word?
  • If we claim to believe in God but do not read His Word, what would be the consequence?

Encountering God at Exodus

  • Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God.
  • The people took their stand at the foot of the mountain. (Exodus 19)
  • Ten Commandments were delivered to the people (Exodus 20)
  • As God’s people, the Isralites should refrain from crafting an image of anything for worship
  • The people did not just receive God’s instruction passively, but agreed to obey His Words and made a special covenant with God (Exodus 24) 

Golden Calf Crisis 

  • When the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain, the people were impatient.
  • In response to the complaints, an idol (golden calf) was made by Aaron.
  • What the people had done was out of accord with both the first and the second commandments.
  • In moments of uncertainty, the Isralites chose to worship a god of their own projection.
  • When God’s people become indifferent to His Word, they are in danger of idolatry.

Worshiping a god of our own projection

  • If we claim to believe in God but do not read His word, we are in danger of idolatry
  • Because we may be worshiping a god of our own projection.
  • It is only through His word that God reveals himself to us.
  • Without God’s Word, we can claim that you love God.
  • But it may be just a god of your own projection or imagination 

If we claim to love God but not His word, we are in danger of idolatry 
because we may be worshiping a god of our own projection.

What can we do?

  • Turning Screen Time to Sacred Time
    • a daily routine to read the Bible
    • start with 20 minutes a day 
  • Adopt a Bible Reading Plan