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Roadmap (Week 4)

Hi Youths,

Last Saturday was the last week of our Roadmap series. Through this series, we learned that:

  • Week 1: Faith means to take action and follow, to do what Jesus has taught us in the Bible.
  • Week 2: The key to being free is to know the truth through reading the Bible.
  • Week 3: To grow as branches, we need to abide and be connected to the vine, Jesus.

This past Saturday (week 4), we learned that the evidence of our connection to Jesus is the fruit we bear. Good fruit comes from abiding in Jesus. The fruits of our faith come out of the overflow of knowing, growing, and abiding in Jesus.  

Hopefully, through these past 4 weeks, you now recognize where you are on the roadmap and realize how important it is for us to be connected to the vine to remain in Jesus.

Save the attached photo below so that if you ever feel stuck in your faith journey, this can remind you of what to do!