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Roadmap (Week 2)

Hi Youths,

On Saturday, we learned that we're willing to work hard to chase a dream because we know where we're going and who we want to be. However, we easily get lost and feel that our faith is a chore because we don't have a clear vision of what God wants to do in us.  

Thankfully Jesus in John 8:31-32 gives us a clear vision of where our faith journey would take us.

  1. He tells us that we are his disciples.  
  2. He tells us to abide in His Word in order to know the truth.
  3. He tells us His truth will set us free.

Following Jesus isn't a chore, Jesus promised us freedom when we follow Him and abide in His Word.  We will experience the freedom that only Jesus can give us.

Therefore, don't ignore or give up on following Jesus, read the Bible every day for His Word will bring your freedom. Come back on Saturday to share with your leaders one verse you've read!