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Plot Twist + Examine (Week 1)

Hi Youths, 

This month our teaching series is called Plot Twist. Plot twists in drama, movies and books always make the story more interesting.  However, when our own life encounters plot twists, we often feel disappointed and hurt. Some plot twists you may have experienced: moving to a new country, parents are getting a divorce, a family financial crisis, losing a family member or friend, and more. 

Thankfully, God is reminding us to trust and rely on him, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and also the story of Joseph, we know when things don't seem to be going the way we want them to, God can use plot twists in our life for the good of others, and His glory. 

Remember: The story of your life isn’t over when there's a plot twist. There’s more God wants to do.

This week, whenever something unexpected (a plot twist) happens in your life, try thinking of them as turning points for the next chapter of your life story. Pray and ask God to help you when you are feeling disappointed, sad, and lonely.  Let us proclaim God is faithful in our plot twists and let others see God through our lives.