

Judges 17-21; Philippians 2


“What is wrong with the world?”
A quick glance of the recent headlines might cause us to ask such question:

  • Protest in Hong Kong, since March 2020
  • Mass shooting in Nova Scotia, April 2020
  • Killing of African American people
  • Spiritual and political corruption
  • Stealing
  • Rape
  • Anti-Asian hate, 2021
  • Myanmar protest and violence, March 2021

When we open the bible, it is not difficult to find a similar situation. The book of Judges describes horrific instances of:

  • Stealing
  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Genocide
  • Civil war

So we ask ourselves, what is wrong with the world?

  • What is wrong is that “everyone does what is right in their own eyes” (Judges)
  • People live as though there is no king

As Christ's followers, we are called to live under Jesus, our King; we are called to follow his example

  • We are to be light in the world, in the midst of crooked and twisted generation (Philippians)
  • We are to count others as more significant than ourselves, like Christ did (Philippians 2)

In this way, God can use us as a blessing to the people around us; much like how He used the family of Ruth and Boaz in the time of Judges to bring blessing to the nation of Israel, and to us.


God So Loved
Words & Music by Ed Cash, Franni Cash, Martin Cash, Scott Cash & Andrew Bergthold
Words and Music by Chris Tomlin and Ed Cash
Do It Again
Words & Music by Steven Furtick, Matt Redman, Chris Brown and Mack Brock