We have been learning how the Church tells about Jesus and how people grow as a church when they follow Jesus. This Sunday, the children will learn that we can learn about Jesus from the Bible! The children will learn how a man learned about Jesus from reading the Bible and through a special worker of Jesus in Acts 8.

Let’s begin our worship:
1.Watch: Preschool and PreK&K Sunday Worship Video
2. Colour: Philip Tells of Jesus Temple Colouring Page
3. Do: Bible Verse Puzzle Activity
4. Do: Bible Search Activity
5. Pray: Say this prayer with your child
“Dear God, thank you for the Bible, and thank you for sending those who tell us about Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

We love to see your family worship picture! TAKE A PICTURE and send it back to us at karpos@koinoniachurch.ca, we may share the picture online to encourage one another during this challenging time.