In the past four weeks we have learned that Jesus changes lives, Jesus loves everyone, Jesus gives us freedom. Today we will be learning about the final message in the <True Story> series, we will be learning about Jesus and how to help us share His story. In today's story we learn more about Paul. In the book of Acts, it records that Paul went on three different missionary trips. This is the first trip that he went on, and he went with Barnabas. Let us jump right in to see what happened in Acts 13.

Let’s begin our worship:
1. Watch: Elementary Worship Video
2. Tell and Share: True Story activity
3. Pray: Say this prayer to God
“Lord, I pray that this week You will help me to think about my story with You. Help me learn to share my true story with You with other people so that they too can have their true story with You as well. Lord, thank You for giving me Jesus so that I can have a true story with you. In Jesus name, Amen”

We love to see your family worship picture! TAKE A PICTURE and send it back to us at, we may share the picture online to encourage one another during this challenging time.