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2 Kings 20:20-21:1-6, 2 Chronicles 33:1-16
We often think that leaders are always right but it may not be the case in real life. Leaders often make mistakes and some may even do things that dishonored God. When leaders make mistakes, what could he/she do? Is saying sorry demonstrate weak leadership?

Click Here to read the Bible passage (2 Kings 20:20-21:1-6)
Click Here to read the Bible passage (2 Chronicles 33:1-16)

Despite the evil actions King Manasseh had committed, he humbled himself greatly and prayed to God for forgiveness. 
Besides repentance, the king also took concrete actions to unto the mistakes he had made earlier in displeasing God.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

Real leaders take actions in repentance and seeking forgiveness from God when they sin.