
Ephesians 6

The unity of the church is of utmost urgency, because we are engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy.

The enemy has always been trying to destroy the relationship between man and God. From our personal character to spiritual growth, the enemy has never ceased to attack the faith community.

Do not think that Christian life is just coming to church every Sunday. We must always be alert to this invisible yet real spiritual warfare.

Whether you like it or not, we are engaged in this battle. If you choose to stay away, there is only one result: a complete failure. Not only will the unity of the church be lost, it might cost our eternal destiny. In Ephesians 6, Paul clearly reminded the church, to engage daily in the spiritual battle with the armour from God:

Let the belt of truth become our source of strength in the battle.
Let the breastplate of righteousness become the protector of our hearts against the secular tides.
Putting on the readiness given by the gospel of peace, and living out the good news in actions.
Taking up the shield of faith, and let our faith destroy all doubts planted by the enemy in our hearts.
Putting on the helmet of salvation, and let the promise of salvation become our strongest safeguard.
Picking up the sword of the Spirit, and let the Word of God shatter the enemy’s lies and schemes.

We must also pray and ask God to fight with us, so that we will gain full victory in this battle.

In the name of freedom, human rights and progress, the enemy is influencing our world with to many conflicting values. We must be careful and on guard all the time.

Reflection Questions:

When the whole church is able to work in unison, what impact will she have on the surrounding community, or even this generation?
What would the enemy be using to undermine the unity among the believers?
What practical actions would you take to preserve the unity of the Spirit?