
Luke 12:13-21

True riches are found not in what we accumulate, but in how we trust, give, and live for God.

Jesus’ words in Luke 12 challenge us to rethink what it means to be truly rich. It’s not about what we accumulate; it’s about how we trust, give, and live for God.

Greed can quietly creep into our hearts, leading us to place our security in things that will ultimately fade away. But Jesus offers us a better way. He invites us to find our security, our identity, and our joy in Him.

Jesus has made it clear that life is not found in the abundance of our possessions but in being rich toward God. So, what does that look like in our daily lives?


Here are some practical steps we can take:

Daily Examen

Ask God to reveal any areas where greed might be taking root. Once we recognize those areas, let’s bring them to God, confess them, and ask for His help to let go.

Practice Gratitude: 

Cultivate a heart of gratitude. Gratitude is like a shield against greed. When we take the time to truly appreciate what we already have, it shifts our focus. Instead of always looking for the next thing to buy or achieve, we start seeing the abundance that God has already provided. Start by counting your blessings every day, no matter how small. 

Live Simply and Contentedly:

Embrace simplicity. This doesn’t mean we have to give up everything we enjoy, but it does mean being intentional about what we prioritize. Maybe it’s cutting back on unnecessary spending or being mindful of how much time we spend shopping. 

The goal is to learn contentment, to find joy in what God has already given us, rather than always chasing after the next thing.

Give Generously: 

One of the most effective ways to break the hold of greed is through generosity. Look for opportunities to bless others. Whether it’s giving your time, your money, or your resources, generosity is a tangible way to live out our trust in God. And the beauty of generosity is that it doesn’t just free us from greed; it also brings joy and blessing to others.


When we trust in God’s provision, when we give generously, and when we live simply, we not only experience the fullness of life that Jesus promises, but we also become a light in a world that desperately needs hope.