Whether you are a Christian or not, we’ve all been through the “cycle of defeat”—the seemingly unceasing struggle of wanting to change, but failure enslave us into a pit of guilt and shame. Just like making new year resolutions.

The church fathers of old has identified seven areas of life that most easily consume and lead us on a eventual path of destruction. They called these the 7 Deadly Sins, and lust one of them.

The sad and dangerous aspect is, as Christ-followers, our understanding of lust has been tainted and twisted, and we have lost the ability to distinguish lust with our God-given beautifully created sexual desires. On one extreme, we may think all sexual desires are evil and should completely abandon the thought of it. On the other hand, shaped by secular culture, we lost the respect and holiness in our sexuality. Hence, we must reclaim holy sex by breaking free from the lies and misconceptions.

Nevertheless, just knowing the difference isn’t enough.

Paul exhorts the Church to “flee from sexual immorality” (1 Corinthians 6:18). To do so, we need help for we cannot by our own will or might do this on our own. We must acknowledge, be accountable, be authentic, most importantly, be active in our fight for our sexuality.

Battle lust with an active pursuit of godly characters.