We are strangers to the sound of horns and trumpets.
Living in twenty-first urbanized society, the only chance we hear a trumpet blown likely would be when we visit the orchestra.
After the slain lamb breaks open the 7 seals, 7 angels blew aloud 7 trumpets unleashing surges of disasters upon the earth.
However, in order to read the text of Revelation through the correct lens, we must ground our interpretations on three footings.
Symbolism in Revelation
Revelation is a very distinctive type of Jewish literature in the New Testament call “Apocalypse”, and it is full of symbols and visions. These symbols and visions all have deeper meaning, drawing references to scriptures or passages throughout the Old Testament text. One such of these symbols is with numbers. Numbers does not necessary mean their numeric values. -
Not chronologically ordered but theologically structured
Much of the events described in Revelation are not chronologically ordered, but rather purposely structured to emphasize their theological meaning. -
The intention of the book
Revelation is not a secret code or puzzle to predict the end of the world. Revelation is a promise that motivates every generation of God's people to remain faithful in the midst of persecution and hardship.
The first 6 trumpets all seems to be describing wave after waves of disasters and destructions. The carnage and devastations ought to have one crying out to God.
“But the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to repent of their evil deeds and turn to God. They continued to worship demons and idols... and they did not repent of their murders or their witchcraft or their sexual immorality or their thefts.” (9:20-21)
The 6 trumpets are signs and warnings. They are God’s partial judgement of the world.
Before the great and fearful final judgement at the Day of the Lord, the 6 trumpets are signs and warnings to get our attention.
The people around us, they see what is going on around the world, but they are not seeing the warnings. They do not know how to interpret the sound of the trumpets.
This is the reason Jesus Christ gave these visions to John and the Church.
We, as disciples of Jesus Christ must recognize the urgency of the time we are living in, and respond to the desperate need of the world in preaching the gospel to the people in our circle of influence.
This task isn’t simply resting on the pastors or missionaries, but on every single one of us who claims to be followers of Christ.
We are living in the interlude of the trumpets, before the final judgement, go and prophesy.