Dreams and Reality
- We all have dreams and we believe that we will be satisfied and content. if we have reached certain level of salary and secured a certain position at work
- But life is full of unexpected turns, imitations, set-backs, surprises, accidents or even misfortune
- At the crossroad, we would feel disappointed, defeated and discontent
- Facing all the limitations and set-backs in life, how do we keep moving on without losing hope?
- Is being joyful still a possibility?
Finding True Contentment
- Despite of his situation, Paul wanted the church to know that his reason of being joyful, was NOT because his material needs are fulfilled
- On the contrary God has put him through a tough school where he learned one of the most life lesson - contentment
- In 4:11, Paul told the church that: he had learned in whatever situation to be content.
- In 4:12 Paul shared that, he knew how to get along with little, and how to live in prosperity
- In 4:13, Paul declared that he could do all things - through him who strengthened Paul.
- He had learned over the years that he was strong enough for anything, not because of his own endurance - but because of the strength he received from the sufficiency of Christ.
- Joy is more about contentment, not achievement.