Jesus and Hospitality?
- As a church in Richmond BC, how do we practice hospitality?
- How can we become a hospitable, friendly and welcoming church to our guests?
- While the business world teaches us a lot about customer experience, does Jesus teach us anything about being hospitable in God’s way?
- What is at the heart of Christian Hospitality?
Enemy of Hospitality (Luke 5)
- Levi made Jesus a great feast in his house, and a large company of tax collectors were also invited.
- When Jesus was having a great time socializing with Levi and his friend, the Pharisees and their scribes grumbled.
- They were concerned why Jesus was eating with tax collectors and sinners.
- The response of the Pharisees led us to realize that pride is the enemy of hospitality.
- Whenever one feels that he/she is superior to the others, hospitality fails.
- Pride within the Pharisees hinders them from offering generous hospitality.
Grumbling and the Prodigal (Luke 15)
- What is special about Jesus’ Way of welcoming and connecting with people?
- Another story about the Pharisees, Jesus and the tax collectors
- The tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear Jesus.
- The Pharisees and the scribes grumbled about Jesus receiving and eating with sinners.
- In response to their grumblings, Jesus used a parable to point out what the Pharisees were missing.
- Luke 15:20 - And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
- According to our Jewish culture, the father has broken all the traditions.
- Instead of running, a man of his age and position should only walk in a slow and dignified fashion
- The father even asked his servants to bring out the best robe, the ring and shoes for the son.
- The fattened calf was killed and there was a big celebration.
Heart of Christian Hospitality
- Through the parable, Jesus explained the reason why He welcomed tax collectors.
- Jesus’s way of Hospitality reflects the heart of God the Father.
- The Father's heart is the essence of Christian hospitality.
- Jesus is calling His followers to share the Father’s Heart and practice His way of hospitality.
- Even though the Pharisees seemed to know a lot about God, they were not in touch with the heart of God.
- What is our attitude when we see someone we do know coming to church?
- What if this someone is another prodigal son/daughter, who is finding his/her way home?
- We cannot afford to miss the chance to welcome the prodigal son/daughter.
Practicing Hospitality
Places we can make a difference in welcoming people:
- Parking Lot - joining the Set -up Crew
- Main Entrance - joining the Guest Team
- The Fireside Room - joining the Decoration Team
- Dinner Table - joining the Food Serving Team