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Real Friends (Week 3)

Hi Youths,

It can be uncomfortable to pray out loud for some of us because we're thinking about what other people may think of us based on what we say. We're trying to impress them but praying is talking to God, so we should only focus on God.

We know God loves and knows everything about us, so we don't need to impress Him with what we say in our prayers. So, when you pray, only focus on God and talk to Him honestly.

The more we pray, the less scary prayer becomes, so this week, try praying out loud to God honestly once a day.

Also, here are the answers to the worksheet you've completed during message time:

  1. Prayer is not an opportunity for promotion.
  2. The Lord's Prayer is how we should pray.
  3. People who know they are poor in spirit (they know they need God, and can't do life on their own) have no need to promote.