
Luke 3:7-17; Matthew 25:31-45

In this series we have been talking about justice in a cruel world.

  • God cares about justice.
  • Justice expresses love with a special concern for the needy.
  • God's design was to have no poor among us.
  • God's people are God's agent to eradicate poverty and inequality in the world.
  • Be a neighbor to anyone in need.

John the Baptist reminds us that it is not enough to just agree with the gospel or know the teaching of God.  We must bear fruit in keeping with repentance.  He clarifies two misconceptions that we have in his sermon recorded in Luke 3:7-17.

  • Misconception of Entitlement
    • Don’t think that just because you are a “good guy” you can escape judgment.  All will be judged.
  • Misconception of Repentance
    • True repentance does not remain inward, it should flow outwards in good works.

Jesus is coming to deliver judgment to all.  And Jesus continues John’s teaching in Matthew 25.

  • When Jesus comes and sits on the throne, he will deliver judgment to all people.
  • His standard of justice is not just whether we have done any evil, but whether we have done any good.

The questions that we ought to ask ourselves today in this series:

  • What fruits are we bearing?
  • Do we consider ourselves a “good guy” on the topic of justice?
  • When Jesus returns, which group do you think you belong in - the ones that inherits the kingdom or the ones that go into eternal fire?
  • Which group do you want to be in?

Bear fruits in keeping with repentance.  Start small, and start now.

Things to remember when doing works of justice:

  • We are not expected to completely eliminate all of the world's problems.
    • Don’t lose hope and don’t give up just because we can’t solve the problems.
    • We will never be able to, but we can be the light and hope that the world needs.
  • Don't allow differences in our scope of justice divide us.
    • The unified church doing justice in different areas is a powerful testimony