
Acts 8:26-40

Sometimes people feel pressured to evangelize and guilty if they aren’t doing enough to share the gospel, as if it all depends on human initiative. On the other hand, sometimes we avoid the topic of evangelism so that no one feels pressured or guilty and, therefore, neglect the mission God gave the church. However, we can learn something that changes all of this from the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:26-40. In evangelism, God takes the initiative and we respond.  
We see God’s initiative in his sovereignty. God is ultimately in control while giving us the freedom to respond to his initiative. We see God’s initiative as we recognize that God’s grace goes ahead (He is always pursuing all people, drawing them to himself). And we see God’s initiative in his guidance of his people whom he sends to participate in bringing others to faith. 
We respond by listening to God, being attentive to his guidance. We respond by going where God sends us, even if it is not very far. After all, God has been bringing the nations to us. And we respond by sharing good news. We open our mouths in the moments when God gives us opportunities to tell others about Jesus. In evangelism, God takes the initiative and we respond.