
Exodus 4:10,13; Matthew 25:14-30; Matthew 6:33; 1 Peter 4:10; Romans 8:28; Joshua 1:9

Our Excuses Causes Us to Miss Out

  • We fear missing out a lot of the time but we do not usually think about missing out on God’s call for our lives.
  • Our excuses may cause us to miss out on God’s purpose for our lives
  • God loves us too much to leave us stuck in our excuses 
  • If Moses allowed his excuse of not being eloquent and dismissed God’s calling, he would have missed out on a close friendship with God nor have experienced the numerous miracles God did through him.
  • Have you given God any excuses? Have you thought about how He might respond? What will your future look like if you continue to make excuses?

Good and Faithful vs. Wicked and Slothful

  • From the Parable of the Talents, we see that everything we have can be taken away if we do not make good use of it.
  • There is a judgment. We are accountable for the choices we make and the consequences they bring.
  • We are God’s stewards, given resources according to our skills and abilities.
  • All resources belong to God, and we will have to give an account for how we invested them.
  • When God returns, will He say to you: Well done, good and faithful servant” or “You wicked and slothful servant?”

God Wants You to Know that:

  • He has a purpose for you
  • He knows you and has given you gifts
  • He invites you to join Him in His work
  • He has a reward and more to entrust you with
    He delights in you 


  • God is calling you now to take part in His Kingdom work.
  • Where has God been calling you to serve? At Koinonia, at school, at the office, in the community or at home?
  • When we dismiss God’s purpose for our lives, we are also saying no to receiving more of His blessings, His presence and much more… 

Respond to God’s Call Now

  • How do you know you will live long enough to respond to God’s call in the future?
  • Why do you not give God the best years of your life? Why do you only follow His calling when it is convenient for you?

Put God and His Kingdom as #1 In Your Life

  • Seek God and His Kingdom first, you will not miss out nor have regrets.
  • God has already given you the ability to do His work and accomplish his purposes for you. Although the path is not always easy, it will be rewarding because all things work together for good for those called according to His purpose.
  • God will always be with you.

The choice is yours: Will you continue to make excuses or confront your excuses and say yes to following God’s purposes for you?

Don’t Miss Out.