
Judges 6-7

“Who am I that God chooses to use me? I am just a nobody. God wants hero, people who can glorify His name, I am no such person."

There are hundreds of reasons we can give to just mind our own business and live an ordinary life. However, through the life of Gideon, we learn that God delights in choosing a nobody and making them into a somebody.

In the story of Gideon, we see that the Sons of Israel sin and did evil in the sight of the Lord. So the Lord allowed the Midianite to oppress them for 7 years. (6:1) God calls Gideon to participate in His rescue plan for the Israelite. (6:11-12) Gideon is a nobody who is part of a generation who believes this God of Israel has abandon them, left them. (6:13) But God shows up through Gideon’s willingness. God graciously and patiently guided Gideon on a journey to allow Gideon experience His faithfulness, (6:36-40, 7:10-15) and learn to believe in God’s impossibilities.

Our willingness to choose to believe, to trust the God who does miracles is the critical ingredient in allowing this God to work through us.

Does this GOD exist only in fairy tales or is He real in your life?

CHOOSE to see beyond the reality before your eyes,

and BELIEVE in faith the impossibilities your God can do.

Only when we each recognize we are one of the ingredients in this medley will the combination 
 of flavour come together and create a community of impossibilities.