In April, we will be starting a new series called [Rise Up]. Through this series, children will learn about how Jesus rose up from the grave and all the things that happened before He rose up to Heaven! This Sunday, we will begin by learning how Jesus encouraged Peter!
Let’s begin our worship:
1. Watch: Preschool and PreK&K Sunday Worship Video
2. Colour: Breakfast on the Beach Colouring Page
3. Craft: The Miraculous Catch
4. Pray: Say this prayer with your child
“Dear God, thank you so much for sending Jesus to encourage us. We all make mistakes, but you forgive us when we do. Thank you for picking us back up and keeping us going. We love You. Amen.”
We love to see your family worship picture! TAKE A PICTURE and send it back to us at we may share the picture online to encourage one another during this challenging time