In December, we will start a new series called [WAIT FOR IT]. In, Wait For It, kids will learn how to watch for and put their hope in Jesus. Kids will learn that everyone needs a Savior, that the Savior will change everything, that God will do impossible things, and that Jesus is the one they’ve been waiting for! This Sunday, we will learn about two people who waited a very long time for the Savior to come!

Let’s begin our worship:
1. Watch: Preschool and PreK&K Sunday Worship Video
2. Play: Await a Manger Game
3. Pray: Say this prayer with your child
“Dear God, we thank you for sending Jesus. You kept your promise to the people in the Bible, like Simeon and Anna, who were waiting for the Savior and you kept your promises to us. We love you. Amen.”

We love to see your family worship picture! TAKE A PICTURE and send it back to us at we may share the picture online to encourage one another during this challenging time