In July, we began a new series to learn about the different kings in the Bible that loved God! This Sunday, we will conclude our series by learning about King Josiah and how he read God’s word! We will learn that we can read God’s word too!

Let’s begin our worship:
1. Watch: Preschool and PreK&K Sunday Worship Video
2. Colour: King Josiah Reads God’s Word Colouring Page
3. Do: Series Wordsearch
4. Make: Remake the sentence!
5. Make: Pocket Bible Verse
6. Play: Lego Memorization Game
7. Pray: Say this prayer with your child
“Dear God, we love You and will show You that we love you by reading Your word, the Bible. In Jesus' name, Amen”

We love to see your family worship picture! TAKE A PICTURE and send it back to us at we may share the picture online to encourage one another during this challenging time.