Featured Song (at 8:10)
As Far as the Ends of the World
Words & Music by Carson Li @KEC Worship
Who can stand?
(Seal 1-4)The four horsemen are riding in opposition to His kingdom.
The world is full of violence, sickness and death.
Who is able to stand?
(Seal 5) There is a time of suffering and it must take place.
His kingdom will not come in its fullness until the number of those who need to give their lives for the gospel is completed.
Who is able to stand?
(Seal 6) God’s judgment leads to a great earthquake.
The whole world is shaken and collapsed on its own.
“Who is able to stand?”
Who can remain faithful in the crunch?
Who will be able to endure the suffering?
Who can stand?
Who can stand?
The sealed servants who are sealed by God.
We are made secure but we are not free from suffering.
No one, and nothing can take us away from Jesus Christ because we are sealed by God.
God’s people will be able to stand through the tribulation.
In the end, they will come out of the great tribulation standing victorious before the throne of God in glory, clothed in white, serving God day and night, singing praises to his most holy name.