
Ephesians 1:3-8; Romans 8:29-39; Philippians 3:7-8,13-14; 2 Timothy 4:7-8

The Christian Marriage Triangle

- If we look at the three relationships that make up the Christian marriage triangle, at least two of them will continue after death: God’s covenantal love for the husband and His covenantal love for the wife will last forever.
- The big idea of the sermon series is that we should rethink the horizontal relationship between the husband-and-wife in light of the vertical relationships between God and the husband-and-wife. The more we understand the significance of the vertical relationships, the better we will be able to love and to cherish one another in the horizontal relationship.

Agents of Transformation

- Christian marriage gives us the context to act as a catalyst of change and an agent of transformation for our spouse.
- We should be sanctifying each other, cleansing each other, making each other more holy, so that we may present each other in splendour before God.

Through God’s eyes

- To be an effective agent of transformation, one must first let go of prejudice and self-centredness.
- Open the scriptures and learn to see our spouse through God's eyes.

A Vision of Our Spouse

- God has a vision for our spouse - what kind of a son / daughter does God wants our spouse to become.
- We are given the grace to help our spouse to become that person that God wants him/her to be.


(1) If you have wronged your spouse in any way, please take time to confess your sins and ask God for forgiveness..
(2) This may also be a good time to renew your marriage vows. Follow the pastor renew your vows.