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1 Corinthians 14:24-25; Psalm 96; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Matthew 28:19-20

Holy Discontent

“Holy Discontent is the one aspect of this broken world that, when you see it, touch it, get near it, you just can’t stand. Very likely, that firestorm of frustration reflects your holy discontent, a reality so troubling that you are thrust off the couch and into the game. It’s during these defining times when your eyes open to the needs surrounding you and your heart hungers to respond that you hear God say, ‘I feel the same way about this problem. Now, let’s go solve it together!’ ”
(Bill Hybels, Holy Discontent)

Our Discontent

We believe that the local church should be a community where people can come to seek God, know God, & experience God. Once they have encountered God, their lives will never be the same again. This does not always happen.
Our discontent is with: (1) the mediocrity in ministry; (2) the pursuit of comfort & stability; (3) the ignorance of God’s presence.

Mediocrity in Ministry

“We should all be shocked at the level of mediocrity we tolerate in the life and ministry of the local church. No, I’m not talking about giving people room to grow and mature so we don’t crush them with criticism. I’m talking about those places where our standards are simply too low. Mediocrity is not a time, personnel, resource, or location problem. Mediocrity is a heart problem. We have lost our commitment to the highest levels of excellence because we have lost our awe. Awe amnesia is the open door that permits mediocrity in. …
When I am in awe at the reality that I have, by grace alone, been attached to what is truly excellent in every way, I want to be an ambassador of that excellence. So I will have high standards for every aspect of ministry under my care. Whether it is the children’s or youth ministries, men’s or women’s ministries, small groups or outreach, leadership training or short-term missions, public worship or preaching, I will want all ministries of the church to faithfully display the excellence of the one who calls them out of darkness into his marvellous light.”
(Pastor Paul Tripp)

The Koinonia Vision 2006

1. Biblical teaching that is intelligible and relevant
2. Worship that leads people to encounter God
3. Small groups that enables Christians to love one another
4. Children ministry that makes disciples
5. Contagious lifestyle that demonstrates the transforming power of the gospel
6. Generous giving that blesses the society
7. Pastoral team that leads by God-given vision

The Pursuit of Comfort & Stability

We practice a version of Christianity where people value comfort, stability, happiness, wellness, and harmony above Christian virtues such as compassion, courage, justice, faithfulness, and generosity.
The New Testament says that transformation (renewal) should be the norm in Christian life – Colossians 3:9-10; Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
“Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.”

Ongoing Transformation to Christ-likeness

“The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself,
are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose. It is even doubtful, you know, whether the whole universe was created for any other purpose.”
“‘Putting on Christ’… is not one among many jobs a Christian has to do, and it is not a sort of special exercise for the top class. It is the whole of Christianity. Christianity offers nothing else at all.”
(C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, ch.30)

The Ignorance of God’s Presence

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20)

The physical-temporal dimension is not the only dimension existing. There is a dimension that our eyes and ears are not made to sense or detect. This spiritual dimension superimposes on the physical-temporal dimension. Ignoring or neglecting it, we miss out the vital dimension of worship.

Why do you come? What do you look for?
The one thing about Koinonia, the only thing Koinonia has to offer, is ongoing transformation to Christ-likeness.
It is who we are. It is what we do. It is our passion.
We invite you to join us.