In July, we will start a new series called Double Dog Dare! Through this series, we will learn how we can obey God in different ways. This Sunday, we will learn through Lot’s passage how we can obey God by turning away from sin. Let’s see what happens in the Bible!

Let’s begin our worship:
1. Watch: Elementary Worship Video
2. Double Dog Dare: This week’s challenge is to clean up a mess. For the things that you have done at home, help to clean up the mess. It can be the mess of others or yourself.
3. Pray: Say this prayer to God
“Dear God, we want to thank You for providing and leading us even when we do not understand where we are going and what is happening next.Please help us trust in You and obey You more each day. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen”

We love to see your family worship picture! TAKE A PICTURE and send it back to us at, we may share the picture online to encourage one another during this challenging time.